Friday, November 15, 2019

DIY 3D Printer Build lets you build your own 3D printer

Have you ever wanted to get into 3D printing but did not know where to start.  This DIY 3D Printer build tutorial series shows you how to assemble a 3D printer from the ground up.  The advantage of videos like this is that you learn exactly how a printer is made.  If you were ever curious about them the step by step instructions here show you everything.

This is a completely open build as well.  You can download the full bill of materials, buy the parts wherever you feel is cheapest and assemble it at home.  You may need to use a local makerspace to print a few of the parts but if that doesnt work for you there is this video on building a 3d printer without plastic parts.  This video uses the similar build type and replaces the plastic parts with temporary wood structures.  I personally would opt for the local maker-space since they are worldwide to get the few parts printed.

Overall if you're looking to get into 3D printing this series of videos can give you the knowledge you need to get into the hobby.